[Salon] Dancing with death

Dancing with death

Summary: as the Gaza war rages on various players execute well choreographed moves that provide them with political cover while enabling Israel’s genocide to carry on.

As the saying goes a week is a long time in politics, especially true of Rishi Sunak as he stumbles from one gaffe to the next. And in war a week can be a long time too, nowhere more true than for the Palestinian people. In Gaza they are daily bombed from the air and shelled on the ground. In the West Bank they are harassed and physically attacked by settler vigilante gangs while the IDF and the police look on. In East Jerusalem the ethnic cleansing continues as Palestinians are forced from their homes while elsewhere in Israel, Palestinian-Israeli citizens are met with a mixture of contempt, suspicion and fear.

And in the week just passed Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has once again displayed his adroitness at the two-step dance: one step forward suggesting a ceasefire deal, two back saying no deal is possible.

After President Biden claimed on 31 May that Israel had proposed a three-phase deal hope flared briefly that a ceasefire, even if only temporary, was a realistic expectation. But that was just a few weeks after the president had said that an offensive into the besieged city of Rafah was “a red line”, one that Netanyahu immediately ignored. The fudge from the Biden administration swiftly followed: “We believe that what we’re seeing right now is a targeted operation. That’s what Israel has told us. We have not seen a major operation moving forward,” was how White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre put it on 15 May.

Israel’s “targeted operation” proceeded to bomb a UN school at a refugee camp in Central Gaza housing mostly women and children attempting to flee the carnage. At least 40 were killed in that 5 June attack.

This past weekend saw another atrocity which the Israelis hailed as a triumph: the freeing of four hostages taken in the 7 October attack. According to IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari there were “fewer than 100 casualties” among the civilians sheltering in the Nuseirat camp from where it appears the hostages were freed. The Israelis made the not unreasonable point that Hamas continues to use civilians to shield its operations. However, Gazan health officials have put the figure at more than 270 killed and seven hundred wounded a figure studiously ignored by most Israelis.

Before and after satellite images documenting the systematic destruction of Yabna refugee camp in Rafah, southern Gaza, by the Israeli occupation army, June 13 2024 [photo credit: Al Quds News]

The timing of the raid on Saturday 10 June - which Netanyahu called an operation by the IDF that was carried out “creatively and bravely” - may have had more than a little to do with the fact that his political rival Benny Gantz had called a press conference the same day to announce his withdrawal from the War Cabinet. In the event, Gantz left on Sunday saying that “fateful strategic decisions are met with hesitation and procrastination due to [narrow] political considerations.”

Netanyahu’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir who together with his extremist colleague Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has encouraged settler rampages in the West Bank while pushing for the ultimate destruction of the Palestinians in Gaza was quick to strike:

As a minister in the government, chairman of a party and a senior partner in the coalition, I hereby demand to join this cabinet, in order to be a partner in determining Israel's security policy in the current times. It's time to make brave decisions.

As Ben-Gvir attempted to dance his way into the War Cabinet US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was continuing his own step dance. He arrived back in Tel Aviv on Monday with the now well practised mixed messages routine. Blinken called Hamas’ acceptance of the latest ceasefire deal a “hopeful sign.” Then be said that the US goal remained to “fully defeat Hamas.” That was after he had commented on the tarmac at Ben Gurion Airport:

And of course what separates Israel, the United States and other democracies when it comes to incredibly difficult situations like this is our respect for international law and as appropriate the laws of war. So we know that Israel will take all of the precautions that it can just as we would and that’s what separates us from Hamas (emphasis added)

Blinken's comments were in the wake of ICJ and ICC decisions and the determination this week by a UN commission of enquiry headed by former UN human rights chief Navi Pillay that both Hamas and Israel have committed war crimes. The former for their 7 October attack and the latter for the subsequent and ongoing war of retribution in the Strip.

Of Hamas and six other armed groups the committee wrote:

Many abductions were carried out with significant physical, mental and sexual violence and degrading and humiliating treatment, including in some cases parading the abductees. Women and women’s bodies were used as victory trophies by male perpetrators.

Hamas, of course, has its own dance macabre, one that is comfortable with the slaughter of civilians as a price worth paying in the pursuit of victory.

Of Israel the report said the IDF was guilty of the indiscriminate killing of civilians “unparalleled across conflicts in recent decades.” It went on to state that Israel was:

responsible for the war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare, murder or wilful killing, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, forcible transfer, sexual violence, torture and inhuman or cruel treatment, arbitrary detention and outrages upon personal dignity.

The Israelis were predictably outraged accusing the UN of bias against them. Hamas has so far remained silent. Independent observers are asking how a country that prides itself on being a democracy has behaved in a manner more akin to a terrorist organisation.

Meanwhile the dance floor is packed, with Blinken spinning and giving cover to both Biden and Netanyahu while the latter pirouettes in the space that America has given him. Ben-Gvir and Smotrich attempt to cut in using the threat of bringing Netanyahu down and Hamas dances with the death of civilians in Gaza. And the war grinds on with Palestinians killed approaching 40000 and tens of thousands more wounded. Israel has lost the 1200 killed in the Hamas attack and 300 soldiers.

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